Fuel your future with Certified Healthy Schools and Certified Healthy Schools Gold!
Did you know there are nearly 200,000 students enrolled in Kern County?
Certified Healthy Schools honors schools that serve healthy, tasty, and fun meals to students.
Certified Healthy Schools Gold recognizes schools that are going above and beyond to offer even more creative and healthy meal choices!
Why Certified Healthy Schools are important for the health of kids in Kern County:
Building Healthy Habits: Teaching kids to eat healthy from a young age helps them make good food choices throughout their life.
Physical Growth and Development: Good nutrition is important for kids to grow strong, develop healthy bones, and support their brains. A balanced diet with vitamins and nutrients helps kids grow.
Better School Performance: Eating healthy helps kids focus, think clearly, and do well in school. Kids who eat healthy meals are more likely to stay alert in class.
Preventing Health Problems: Teaching kids to eat healthy can help prevent problems like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, which are becoming more common in children.
Setting a Good Example: Kids are more likely to eat healthy if they see adults, like parents and teachers, making good food choices. This creates a positive influence for everyone.
Building a Healthy Relationship with Food: When kids learn to enjoy healthy foods, it helps them develop a positive relationship with food and reduces the risk of eating problems later.
Schools that are Certified Healthy will receive a Certified Healthy sticker on their grade card showing they are committed to make Kern County a healthier place to eat.
If your school or district is interested in becoming Certified Healthy or learning more about the program, please contact Aaron Stonelake, Public Health Nutritionist at (661) 868-1276 or stonelakea@suzhuan-sh.com
Once your application is received Public Health will contact you and evaluate your menu.
We are excited to work with schools leading the way to make Kern County a healthier place to eat!
Certified Healthy Schools Application
Certified Healthy Gold Application